Design For Media: Project 2

This week I do not have any further progress because I was not able to borrow a friends camera and the media desk wouldn’t let me check out a video camera.  Instead I worked on my other big projects so hopefully I will have plenty of time this weekend.

Other than that I have considered other options for the final slide and I am thinking of the woman sitting in the chair calmly (with a smile) and her husband laying on the ground behind her with police lights flashing in the room.  I thought this would be a fit ending because you get the sense she realizes what she did, is happy with her decision, and is prepared for whats going to happen next. When I shoot this I will probably try out multiple ending scenarios and decide on which I think works best with the over-all story so other suggestions are welcome!

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4 Responses to Design For Media: Project 2

  1. Gabrielle McDaniel says:

    sorry to hear that! i look forward to seeing the progress once it’s finished!

  2. Sorry to hear about that! I am in a similar boat, I was busy with other projects this weekend. I am really interested in the ending with a happy lady, police lights, and a dead husband on the ground. I think that would really tell the story the way you are looking to tell it, while staying interesting and keeping in the setting (which will unite your pictures more than if you were to take her far away to a jail cell or something).

  3. I agree with Sarah on how the ending seems to fit well with what you want to portray. It’s too bad you don’t have the camera though. It would be interesting to see, as a forward movement, your storyboards in movement as you want the photographs to look.

  4. i think you may have a loophole in your story (unless of course i missed something), but maybe adding a phone on the ground beside her may show that she herself had called the police with wold give reason as to why the cops are at her house so quickly, but other than that sounds like a great finishing shot.

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