Design For Media: Final #3

So this is my third final for design for media and again this one started out with media choice before content.  I came up with the idea of doing a stop-motion video but still I wasn’t sure of my concept at first until Charlotte posted this video on a friends blog.  It showed a stop motion of a man in a mirror surrounded by cassettes that he had interacted with.  It gave me a sense of personal narrative so that is what I had wanted to do with mine. To me the idea of stop motion is to be able to give the ability of motion to inanimate objects, so I wanted to take myself out of the story and have the objects in my room narrate it.  The objects I used from the drawing figure to the shoes are representational of me.  I also chose objects that aren’t typically seen or noticed at a first glance of my room such as things under my bed or the movies in my drawers.  I hope you enjoy the video.

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